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  • 2008 - Liturgical Formation
    Keynote Lecture: The Revd Professor Bryan Spinks What is Celtic about Contemporary Celtic Worship? (A version of this paper has now been published in Spinks, The Worship Mall, (London: 2010, SPCK).) The Programme of other Papers and Communications given was as follows: Thomas Whelan * Liturgical Formation: To What End? David Torevell Alerting Silence: Reflections on the Dramatic Expression of Silence within Liturgical Space Diane Craven Living Communion: what do children say about the Eucharist and how might this shape and challenge the liturgical formation of the gathered community? Juliette Day * Liturgical Competence: Juliette Day Bridget Nichols * Formation for Dying Andew Hammond Eucharist as Formation in Lancelot Andrewes Patricia Rumsey Priestless Parishes - An Interim Solution? A Pastoral Approach to the Liturgy of the Hours Martin Stringer * Harvey Whitehouse:Modes of Religion and Liturgical Formation Richard Bastable * The Vigil of Pascha: Formation in Silence John Lampard * The Empire Strikes Back: A Study of the Liturgical Impact of Ghanaian Methodism on the Methodist Church in London Ian Paton * Worship and Belief: A Divorce or a Remarriage? Victoria Johnson * Towards a liturgical missiology: A Trinitarian framework for worship, pastoral care and mission in the context of Christian discipleship and formation
  • 2010 - Liturgy and Mission
    Keynote Lecture : Mgr Kevin McGinnell * Liturgy and the Churches - an Ecclesial Minefield or a Source of Unity? The Programme of other Papers and Communications given was as follows: Thomas Whelan * Liturgy - Worship - Mission: Articulating a Theological Relationship Carol Wilkinson * Mission Inappropriate? Some Reflections on the Rites of Healing and Wholeness in the Church of England Gordon Jeanes Early Steps in the English Liturgy: the Witness of the Wanley Part Books Jennifer Brown (principal author) with Joanna Collicutt Worship and Action: a Psychological Study Exploring the Possible Connection between the Content and Style of Christian Worship and Ethical Behaviour. Paul Roberts * Mission and Liturgy: a case of Jacob and Esau? An Exploration of a Relationship in Church and Academy Harvey Howlett The Common Lectionary and Mission - is our Sunday scripture reading helping us tell the faith story? Bridget Nichols Instruction, Improvisation and Imagination in Some Fifth-Century Psalter Collects Phillip Tovey * Church of England Mission and Confirmation in Colonial America Trevor Lloyd Contemporary Culture and the Church's Mission in the making of the Common Worship Marriage Liturgy Thomas Peacock Rediscovering the Missionary Imperative – Liturgy and Mission in the Public Space James Steven 21st Century Anabaptist Daily Prayer Books: Wild Flowers in the Liturgical Garden? Juliette Day The Liturgical Life of Melania the Younger, a 5th Century Aristocratic Ascetic Jean Russell * Church Cafe at St Andrews - the Discourses around a Service Intended to be Attractive to those Outside the Present Congregation
  • 2012 - Liturgy and Scripture
    It had been twenty years since Societas Liturgica took the subject of scripture and liturgy as a theme for its congress and the Committee believed that it would be a good time to review again the issues faced in the interrelation of scripture and the liturgy. Keynote Lecture The Rev'd Dr Gordon Jeanes Liturgy and the Bible: exploring the relationship The Programme of other Papers and Communications given was as follows: Nicholas Taylor * Liturgy and Identity: Conversion-Initiation in Galatians 3: 26-29 Paul Jones The Font at St Peter’s, Shaldon – scriptural ambiguity in marble Colin Buchanan * Scripture and Liturgical Formation John Chamberlin Paul Philip Levertoff and Worship at the Christian–Jewish Interface: A Novel Biblical Liturgy Dominic Keech Epiclesis and Oblation in Gaudentius of Brescia’s reading of Exodus James Steven Mishandling Holiness: An Account of Sacramental Action in the Johannine Passion Narrative Catherine Haynes * 'Little Eric goes to Catechism': The Use of the Bible in Liturgy and Mission among Children in Late Victorian Anglican Ritualism. Bridget Nichols * Transfiguring Scripture Jeremy Clines The use of biblical texts in creation-themed Common Worship prayers Kathryn Naylor Inhabited Word - What scriptural meta-narrativesdo we reflect in our worship? Andy Lyons An invitation into “the pattern of these good things” Thomas Whelan Word as Sacrament
  • 2014 - Liturgy and History
    2014 - Liturgy and History In the year when National and Church bodies are preparing for public commemoration of the outbreak of the First World War, the Society for Liturgical Study felt it timely to use its bienniel conference to bring the relationship of liturgy and history under scrutiny. The conference theme was defined in a deliberately broad way. At a time of increasing challenge to the way the faith is expressed and with a renewed interest in ancient patterns of prayer within Fresh Expression and Alternative Worship communities, the way we approach our history and how we draw on our past are of vital importance to the mission of the church in the current age. The Programme of Papers and Communications given was as follows: Gordon Jeanes The Westminster Retable: A Liturgical Reading Colin Buchanan Did they shape our worship, and should they have? The Church of England Liturgical Commission of 1964 Donald Gray, President of the Society Out of the Furnace archive broadcast on worship in the trenches, followed by discussion James Stewart Church Service Society: Oldest English Language Liturgical Society? Bryan Spinks On the Wrong Side of History? The Case of William Whittingham, Dean of Durham 1563-1579 J W Bunce The Liturgy of the Last Gospel Andreas Wenzel Revisiting Casel's mystery theologyhistorical research in the archives of the Abbey of the Holy Cross, Herstelle Jonathan How The disturbing power of liturgy the significance of antistructure in the writing of Aidan Kavanagh Catherine Haynes Little Eric and Big Tom go to school: the use and influence of Anglican liturgy in children’s education in the mid-late nineteenth century Charles Read A Trip Down Memory Lane: Anamnesis in Liturgy a Theological Consideration Stefan Scot And the Lawe Runneth After: Rubrics and Reality in the First Prayer Book of Edward James Steven Dipping Wood in Water: Ambrose, the Cross and Baptism in Milan
  • 2016 - Role and Ritual in Woship
    Papers to follow
  • 2018 - Remembrance of Things Past, Present and Future"
    Keynote PaperThe Reverend Professor Bryan Spinks: Selective liturgical anamnesis. Authenticating the present with an imagined past’ The Programme of other Papers and Communications given was as follows: The Revd Associate Professor Peter McGrail: Shadowy Faces: Photographic Portraits in World War I Memorial Windows David McEvoy: Whose rite is it anyway? The functions of the Service of Remembrance Sunday used in the Church of England Dr Bridget Nichols: Bearing Reality: Remembering the Holy Innocents’ The Reverend Matthew Swires-Hennessy: Creating Memories: Sung Worship at a Christian Youth Festival Carolynn Pritchard: The Easter Vigil through the Lens of Play Dr Sam Goyvaerts: Liturgical Year: Making Christ’s Past The Revd Tom McLean: The application of Edward Schillebeeckx’s theology of history for liturgical theology’ The Reverend Paul Kingdom: Remembering we are a Christian nation – how the Anointing in the Coronation service has reflected the evolving understanding of the English nation’s relationship between monarch and people under God over a thousand years’ Benedict Yates: What are we remembering? Possible Eucharistic Anamnesis in the Didache’ Phoebe Kearns: Realising the Kingdom Liturgy in the Eschaton and Day One, Eastern Liturgies in time and eternity’ The Revd Canon Dr James Steven: The Liminal Character of Common Prayer at Taizé The Revd Mark Earey: Remembering a ‘golden age’ teaching liturgy to Anglicans and Pentecostals Dr Juliette Day: Listening – liturgical and ritual
  • 2022 - Liturgy in a Time of War (online)

©2018 by Society for Liturgical Study.

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