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The Biennial Conference 2024

A Good Death: Rites of Death and Dying
27–29 August 2024

at Community of Resurrection, Mirfield (UK)


Registration is now open.  CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Provisional Programme




3pm Arrivals


4pm Welcome


4.15pm Keynote 1                 

                                            John Lampard,

                                               Death, Dying and Disposal

6pm Evensong (Upper Church)

7pm Dinner


8am Morning Prayer (Lower Church)

8.30am Breakfast

9am Panel 1

                                              Dushantha Rodrigo,

                                                 Incorporating Times and Seasons of the Christian Year in
                                                 Funeral Liturgies

                                              Susan B. Cross,

                                                 Anglican Liturgy and the Uses of Nature in Mourning                                                            Deaths before and after Birth
                                               Christopher West,

                                                 ‘God Be in My Mouth’: Perspectives on Funeral Tributes


10.30am Tea & Coffee

11am Keynote 2

                                                Douglas Davies,

                                                  Perspectives on Resomation

1pm Lunch


3pm Panel 2

                                                Mathew Crawley,

                                                   Exploring the Relationship Between Direct Cremation                                                           and Funeral Poverty to Inform Policy Through                                                                       Qualitative Research

                                                Johan Bastubacka,

                                                   Examining the Funerary Rites of the Finnish Orthodox
                                                      Church as Exemplars of Eastern Orthodox Cultural and                                                        Theological Thanatology


5pm Conference Eucharist (Lower Church)


6pm Drinks Reception


7pm Conference Dinner




8am Morning Prayer (Lower Church)


8.30am Breakfast


9am BGM


10am Tea & Coffee


10.15am Panel 3:                         ‘Liturgical Reform: Some Reflections’

                                                         Bridget Nichols
                                                         Brian Spinks


12noon Midday Prayer & Eucharist (Upper Church)


1pm Lunch

2pm Depart

Previous Conferences

The Society meets every two years and alongside the programme of speakers and presentations there were times of worship and much discussion over meals, walks and evening drinks.


Titles of the papers given at the last few conferences are available here:

©2018 by Society for Liturgical Study.

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