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Membership of the Society is open to anyone with an interest in the history development and practice of Christian worship in all its various and diverse forms.

We are an ecumenical Society. Most of the major Christian denominations of the United Kingdom and Ireland are represented and all type of worship experiences. Members include liturgical professionals, scholars, teachers, cathedral staff, members of diocesan liturgy committees and national liturgy as well as those individuals both lay and ordained, who simple have an interest in worship.

The Society holds a biennial conference, open to all, where members and invited speakers give major papers on a predetermined theme. Past conferences have been dedicated to Music, the Worship Space, Liturgical Theology, Symbolism in the Liturgy, Liturgical Formation, Liturgy and Scripture, Liturgy and History. Members are encouraged to contribute to the “Short Papers” and “Research Communications” which can be on any subject.

Members receive complimentary copies of the Societies’ Journal, Anaphora


We invite and welcome new members.

To join, please download and complete the application form (below), and return it to us via email:

We also ask that you have been recommended to join by an existing member. If you do not know a member please contact the Secretary.

Membership is currently £20 per annum and members receive the Society’s journal Anaphora published twice a year.

If you would like further information about joining please send an e-mail to the Secretaries at:


Members are asked to notify the Society of any changes to their address and contact details by email to the secretary at

©2018 by Society for Liturgical Study.

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